Frequently asked questions

How do I know the information is valid and accurate?

I will post a page with all of the resources I used to educate you on an issue for each week’s topic


What if I don’t have time to research Eco friendly products?

Don’t worry, I have you covered! I have been living in an environmentally friendly way in just about all the areas of my life for almost 15 years, so the items I recommend have been thoroughly researched and tested

They will be located on the PRODUCTS at the end of each lesson, after the RESOURCES page


What if I don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for products on Amazon that are recommended to buy?

You don’t have to! I will post a page with every week’s recommendations and direct links to buy what I like. If you do want to research on your own, I will post an independent review of the top companies that make the products with direct links, too


How does the point system work?

I know that not every family makes the same amount of money or uses the same things in their daily life, so I only give points for accomplishments that are common to all of us, like cleaning, shopping, eating, using power, etc.

There are other activities that I will talk about that you can do to volunteer, which has it’s own reward system


When and what kind of prizes will be awarded?

Whichever team has the most points at the end of the time we are working on a topic wins a raffle ticket. We are working with companies to donate things that are related to our work around an issue


What about the raffle at the end of the program?

All of the tickets will be entered into a pot at the end of the program


I am working on getting big items donated, like an electric car, organic furniture, Eco friendly appliances, etc,